Phrasal verbs are a great way to add variety and colour to your language.
It can be quite tricky to master them at first, but with some practice, you'll be able to use them confidently in your conversations.
Look into - to investigate or research something.
Example: We need to look into the possible side effects of this new drug before it goes to market.
Carry out - to perform or execute a task.
Example: Our team will carry out clinical trials to determine the efficacy of the new treatment.
Take up - to start or begin something new.
Example: The company has decided to take up research into alternative methods for drug delivery.
Set up - to establish or create something.
Example: We need to set up a meeting with the regulatory authorities to discuss the new drug application.
Bring about - to cause or make something happen.
Example: The discovery of this new molecule could bring about a major breakthrough in cancer treatment.
Work out - to solve or figure out a problem.
Example: We need to work out a plan to deal with the manufacturing issues that have been delaying production.
Come up with - to devise or create a solution or idea.
Example: Our team has come up with a new approach to treating Alzheimer's disease.
Figure out - to understand or solve a problem or puzzle.
Example: We need to figure out why the results of this clinical trial are inconsistent.
Look over - to review or examine something.
Example: Please look over this report and let me know if you have any concerns.
Go over - to review or examine something in detail.
Example: We need to go over the clinical trial data carefully before we can draw any conclusions.
Now, let's see how to use them in a conversation
A: Hey, have you looked into the possible side effects of that new drug we're developing?
B: Yes, we've carried out some initial trials and so far the results are promising. We're hoping to take up research into alternative methods for drug delivery.
A: That sounds interesting. How are we going to set up the next phase of the trials?
B: We need to bring about some changes to the protocol first. Our team has come up with a new approach to the trial design that we think will be more effective.
A: That's great. But we still need to work out some issues with the manufacturing process. Can you figure out what's causing the delays?
B: I think we need to look over the production data more carefully. It might be a problem with the raw materials or the equipment. Let's go over the data together and see if we can identify any issues.
A: Sure, let's do that. By the way, did you manage to hand out the new guidelines to the research team?
B: Yes, I've already handed them out. They were happy to receive them and are ready to carry on with their work.
A: Excellent. I'm glad we're making progress. Do you have any other updates to bring in?
B: Yes, we've decided to take on a new team member to help with the trials. I've already drawn up a job description and put forward the proposal to the HR department.
A: That's great news. Let's hope this new member can help us bring about some positive results.